The projects Server is now established and the proposed general user interface [GUI] mock-up has been developed by Darren. X3d models of the first learning spaces on the campus are starting to be developed by Panagiotis. We are still trying different viewers to find the best controls for the model to make it easy for people to manipulate. Examples of building envelope were presented and discussed, with particular reference to the level of detail to be modelled so that users could understand the space, but not become overloaded with information.
Puja has developed a way of tagging the building models in Adobe illustrator – which is good news. All layers can be viewed and Lines can be tagged in groups, which makes for neat coding! A reference grid for the university campus base map has been set on a 100x100m gird. We are developing the an SVG basemap for the campus that can be interactive, allowing people to select buildings and explore them
The first user evaluation event is planned for March 2009, involving Masters students to test the platform and try to upload new design proposals to the platform. Howard has been developing the brief for the students to use with Chengzhi. 2 groups will develop a macro scale project on the Jessops site, whilst2 groups develop a micro design for jessops Edwardian Wing.