Monday 23 March 2009

Starting the evaluation process in earnest

Now the project is underway, and looking very impressive, it is time to start the evaluation process in earnest. The first external group of users are beginning to get to grips with the platform. This group is an MArch group co-ordinated by Chengzhi. They are developing 3D visualisations of assorted schemes for the development of the Jessop Edwardian Wing and the vacant Jessop East site. They are now three weeks into the project and the schemes are developing well. All groups have appeared reticent to engage fully with UCampus but those that have made some explorations are beginning to show some interesting results. Perhaps the most graphic of these - and certainly the one that has caused the greatest discussion within the project team - is the team that have exported the model and then texture mapped building facades onto the model.

The impact on the team has been one of really focusing what we are trying to achieve. It is interesting that this discussion has occured in the same week that Google Maps Street View has gone live. The focus of the model is not a photorealistic representation of the campus, and in this we cannot compete with Street View. We are creating a conceptual and analytical tool that allows the exploration of the campus at a variety of levels. One criticism levelled at the model in its current guise is that at times it becomes difficult to read as buildings tend to merge into one another from certain view points. It is now important that we start to work on how we are representing data within the buildings as this will directly impact on how the exterior of the buildings are mapped. Now is the time to start refining the graphical representation of the platform and maintain a real architectural quality to the information available.

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